
Under the Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarship program, Kyoto City University of Arts only accepts “Research Students” via “Embassy Recommendations” whose selection process is related to Japanese diplomatic missions overseas. We do not offer “University Recommendation” options. Please contact your local embassy or consulate regarding the application procedure, or refer to the guidelines for the applicable academic year from the following link.

Study in JAPAN

How to make a request for a Letter of Provisional Acceptance from Kyoto City University of Arts for Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship (Research Students) with Embassy Recommendation.

If you wish to study at the Graduate School of Kyoto City University of Arts and have successfully passed the first screening of MEXT Scholarship under the scheme of Embassy Recommendation, please follow the steps below.

Prepare your application documents

  1. Copies of documents* submitted for the first screening by Embassy/Consulate*excluding “PLACEMENT PREFERENCE APPLICATION FORM FOR JAPANESE GOVERNMENT (MEXT) SCHOLARSHIP (RESEARCH STUDENTS)” and “CERTIFICATE OF HEALTH”.
  2. Motivation Letter (Please include the name of your prospective academic advisor and specialty)
  3. A copy of “Passing Certificate of the First Screening” issued by Embassy/Consulate
  4. Applicants in Arts: Portfolio  Applicants in Music: Video(s)/recording(s) of your performance/work *Additional documents may be requested.

Submit your documents

Please prepare all the documents in PDF format and submit them by e-mail to both International Office AND Academic Affairs office of either Graduate School of Arts/Music.

International Office:intl-r@kcua.ac.jp
Academic Affairs, Graduate School of Arts:fineart@kcua.ac.jp
Academic Affairs, Graduate School of Music:music@kcua.ac.jp

*If you do not receive a reply from our university within three business days, please re-send your e-mail.

Other remarks

The result will be informed to the applicant by e-mail as soon as the decision is made. We will send the letter of Provisional Acceptance to successful applicants by post and a digital copy by email. It takes usually about one month for this process. To choose a prospective academic advisor, visit the following webpages to learn about the faculty members of the relevant Graduate School and make sure to indicate the name of the advisor in your motivation letter.

Overview of the faculty members of the Graduate School of Arts
Overview of the faculty members of the Graduate School of Music

In order to study as a regular postgraduate student (in the Master’s/Doctoral course), you need to pass the entrance exam, which is a separate admission process from MEXT scholarship. In other cases, MEXT applicants are expected to join KCUA first as a non-regular student (International Research Student) with a possibility of status change to a regular student in the following academic year.

KCUA International Office.

KCUA International Office.

KCUA International Office.

KCUA International Office.

